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American Curl

American Curl Longhair cat breed is the cat due to natural genetic mutations. American Curl cat breed medium-bodied, including the type of longhair (long haired). American Curl Longhair coat color diversity. The main feature of the American Curl longhair is a form of ears that curl (curl) or curved / folded backward. At birth, all children of the American Curl Longhair cat ears are still upright, but after day 10 begin to bend his ear. American Curl Longhair cat has a gentle character, friendly, and warm. American Curl longhair delighted when invited to indulge his owners, who they regard as play activities. American Curl Longhair very loyal, also quickly adapt to new people who knew, so the cat is very enjoyable. American Curl longhair gentle personality, friendly and warm, then mix very well to children, and great fun for children.

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Appearance American Curl

american curl cat pets kitten animal domestic
american curl cat pets kitten animal domestic
american curl cat pets kitten animal domestic
american curl cat pets kitten animal domestic
American Curl Long Hair Cats
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