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Pregnant Dog Symptoms

Most dog owner usually keep their pet away from each other when they are in breeding season. Eventhough the owner do their best to prevent and protect pregnancy but sometimes breeding can take place. In some case it is hard to detect the clear sign of symptoms and most dog owner won't realized about it at all.
It is very important that every dog owner must learn and know the signs of pregnant dog symptoms to solve the problems when it occur. A female dog can only become pregnant when she is breed at the right time, conditions and heat cycle. The duration of pregnancy is usually last about 60 days however this number is only approximation and the real period duration can be shorter or last longer depend on the surrounding conditions and other factors.
Pregnant dog symptoms at the early stage
Your dog will eat lesser and show clear sign of decrease appetite. During gestation period your dog will feel exhaust easily and do less activity because their is a change in their hormone level to support the process of embryo production.
Another good indication is the increase in size and growth of nipple. Normally the abdomen area of an unbread female dog will be flat and has small nipple size. After breeding and pregnancy progress start to take place, breast will begin to develop for the process of milk production.
Most female dog behaviour will change at the pregnancy period. If you notice a sign that your dog wanted to be alone on her own then you can be sure that she is in her pregnancy period.
Pregnant dog symptoms at the middle stage
After one month of pregnancy, your dog will show sign of increase appetite and decrease when the heat cycle period ended. Pregnant dog will gain more weight during this period and you can check by touching the abdomen area, it will be thick and firm.
Pregnant dog symptoms at the last stage
The abdomen part of your dog will be hard and increased in size which depended mainly on the number of puppies she is carrying. Larger dog will have more room and space to carry puppies when compare with the smaller dog size. You can felt puppies movement during the last weeks of pregnancy and this shown a clear sign that your dog will give birth to these puppies soon.
Sometime you will see a bit of milk leakage which is called the first milk which is for delivering to the puppies when they are born.
Rather than doing your own observation on pregnant dog symptoms, it is much easier that you take your dog to the veterinarian and do the accurate check by ultrasound method.
Dog false pregnancy
The progress and change will be the same as the normal pregnant conditions such as milk production process, doing all the nesting activity, playing with toys etc. These changes will begin about 3-4 weeks after the heat cycle begin. False pregnancy is unpredictable and the symptoms can shown up on any female dogs whether they are mating or not. If your dog has a false prenancy before then there is a probability that she might have this symptoms again.
Treatment for false pregnancy in dog
You don't have to give any treatment at all because about ninety percent of false pregnancy problems is resolve on it own after three to four week period from the first sign of false pregnancy. However there are about ten percent chance that your dog will develop the psychological effects of mothering behavior that make her feel bad and sad. She will continue to search for her little puppies and begin to engorgement her own mammary glands. If your dog are in the 10% and having this symptoms then you should give treatment because there is a chance that your dog can have mastitis problems which have direct effect on the health of your dog.
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