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Why I’m Thankful for My Cats

By Julia Williams

Thanksgiving is a day when many people take a few minutes to think about what they are thankful for. Some families like to do this at the dinner table before the feast. I’m all for this Thanksgiving tradition, but for the last few years I’ve been trying to have an “attitude of gratitude” every day rather than just one day in November. Taking a few minutes each day to give thanks for the good things, large and small, helps me to see that even though things may not be perfect, I am truly blessed.

My “thanks giving” ritual is comprised of many different things, but always includes my cats. I like to give thanks that they are healthy, happy, safe and well fed. I also like to express gratitude for their loving presence in my life. These delightful, silly and sometimes sassy kitties make my life worth living, and I am eternally thankful for their friendship.

I’m thankful for the healing power of Purr Therapy, and how the simple act of having a happy cat on my lap or in my arms can make everything all right. I’m thankful there is always someone here who is willing to listen to whatever I want to talk about, even when I babble.

I’m thankful for cold, wet little noses that give me kitty Eskimo kisses. I’m thankful for the big bear hugs of my big fluffy boy, Rocky. I’m thankful for the funny way that Mickey gently touches my hand with his paw when I’m eating something he wants to sample. I’m thankful for the smile that always comes when Annabelle softly mews in the middle of the night, her way of asking me to lift up the bedcovers so she can crawl underneath.

I’m thankful for the joy I feel whenever I see my fur babies sleeping so contentedly by the warm fire, or curled up snug as a bug in their little bed. I’m thankful for the way their presence makes this house feel like a home. I’m thankful there is always someone here so that I never feel lonely or alone.

I’m thankful that I get to work from home and can take “pet breaks” whenever I like. I’m thankful for the way Annabelle cuddles with me, draping herself on my chest and over my heart. I’m thankful for the way she licks my face when I wrap both arms tight around her body and kiss her face.

I’m thankful for the many lessons these wise and beautiful beings have taught me throughout my lifetime. I’m thankful for the way they helped me heal and took away my pain. I’m thankful for the feelings of love they give and receive so freely.

I’m thankful that they are always happy to see me and eager to accept a pet. I’m thankful for the way they meet me at the door when I come home, as though they were waiting there all along for my return. 

I’m thankful that with cats in my life, there is always one thing that’s right no matter what else is wrong. I’m thankful for the peace and joy they add to my life on this day, and every day.


All of us here at the CANIDAE RPO blog wish you and your pets a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Photo by llaitner

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