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Those Silly Kitties Sure Love Their Boxes!

1st Place Winner

By Julia Williams

Our recent FELIDAE photo contest was a big hit with cat lovers, and lots of fun for us here at the CANIDAE RPO blog, too.

We received nearly 75 entries of awesome cats in boxes! It was so difficult to pick the winners, because they were all just so darn cute.

The almighty box is a great invention for lots of practical reasons, but I particularly appreciate it for its “cat magnet” properties. I have never understood the appeal of the box myself, but then I’m not a cat.

2nd Place Winner
Seriously, if cats could talk in a language I could understand, the first thing I’d ask them is, “What’s up with the box?”

I really loved seeing all those kitties enjoying their boxes in so many different ways – playing, sleeping, hiding (or trying to hide!) and just hanging out in their favorite place.

The photos of cats trying to fit into itty bitty boxes made me laugh, and the photos of feline friends curled up in a “box built for two” tugged at my heart.

My cats don’t really like to share their boxes, and they sometimes fight over them like Tigger and Kovu, the cats in our 1st Place photo taken by Tamara B from Oregon.

3rd Place Winner
I’d like to thank everyone for entering their wonderful photos. If you’d like to see the ten winning photos, click here. You can also see the entire gallery of Cats in Boxes photos here.

Congratulations to the winners! From the first tasty bite down to the last little crumb, I’m certain that all the kitties will enjoy their FELIDAE cat food and TidNips treats.

Read more articles by Julia Williams

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