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Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier may be small, but don’t let its small size fool you. The Jack Russell is in many ways, a big dog trapped in a small dog’s body. Its spirited and fearless nature is one of its most prized attributes, but it can also be the source of headaches for novice dog owners. Their headstrong and independent nature calls for special maintenance, especially when it comes to training. In fact, just making the JRT keel can be a challenge, which is why some experts advise that only experienced handlers keep JRTs.
Jack Russell Terrier
The Jack Russell Terrier is named after Jack Russell, a clergyman from England who developed the breed for the purpose of hunting foxes and small game. Back then, JRTs were known as fox terriers and were a prized for their ability to endure long hunts. Their small size also allowed them to dig out animals from burrows and dens. After the Russell’s death, the breed was named after the clergyman to set it apart from other fox terriers.

Today, the Jack Russell Terrier is a very popular breed of dog. But as mentioned earlier, there are some considerations to make with this dog. If you live in an apartment, you’ll have to be ready to give the JRT daily exercise and jogs around the block. It’s best to keep them in a fenced-in backyard, so they can run around, bark and chase anything they see as prey. But even with a yard, daily walks are imperative. A bored JRT is a pain to keep, since it may be destructive and find a way to escape its confines, even leaping high to jump over a fence. Still the Jack Russell Terrier is a lovable breed that’s endeared many dog owners the world over.
Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier
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