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It has happened to all of us dog owners. You are sitting at the dinner table and your dog is sitting right by your feet. He has a look that says he has not eaten in 1,000 years even though you know for a fact that he ate only minutes ago. He is drooling and your heart breaks to see him craving bits and pieces of your meal. Finally, you cave in and want to share some scrapes with him. Before you do so, however, it is crucial to find you what human food can dogs eat.

To find the answer, we called upon Liz Palika, author of “The Ultimate Pet Food Guide,” and animal nutritionist, Susan Lauten, PhD, of Pet Nutrition Consulting, to explain which fresh, frozen and canned foods people typically eat that are safe for dogs to consume too. Here is the top TEN list of human food that is safe for our canine friends to eat.


Watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew are all healthy options for your pooch. “My dogs will take me down over cantaloupe,” says Lauten. “I am required to share the whole thing with them.” Consult animal poison control before feeding your dogs any of the more exotic melons.


Skip the salt if possible, or serve in moderation, recommends Lauten. “Remember, treats should not comprise more than 10 percent of your dog’s daily calorie intake. If your dog gets 500 calories a day, 50 calories could come from treats.”


Peanuts don’t appear to cause allergies in dogs like they do in people, says Lauten. “I have some highly food-sensitive dogs for whom peanut butter is a large part of their diet.”


Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, huckleberries or raspberries — all are good for your furry friend for the same reason they’re good for humans: free-radical-fighting antioxidants. “A lot of dogs like them frozen,” says Lauten.


Ran out of your dog’s regular food? Whether boiled, baked, served rotisserie-style or grilled, this food is a healthy substitute. “Dogs will eat a freshly cooked chicken any way they can get it,” says Lauten.

Healthy dogs can handle cooking oils and seasonings. Just be sure to avoid adding onion or too much garlic. If you’re concerned, non-salt seasonings can be used, but that matters more for the human eater than the dog, explains Lauten. Scrambled eggs, hamburger, rice, pasta and/or oatmeal can serve as meal replacements in a pinch, adds Lauten.


This is a safe snack for dogs, but just like humans, they can experience lactose intolerance, so monitor your dog’s reaction. “Many families use a dollop of cottage cheese with every meal,” says Lauten. To avoid overfeeding, consider giving your dog low- or reduced-fat dairy products.


“My dogs love bananas and I share mine with them regularly,” says Lauten. “All fruits have phytonutrients and required nutrients. They are good for all of us. If the foods are healthy for me, they are more apt to be healthy for the dog,” says Palika.


Lauten recommends serving your pup seedless, organic apple slices, because apple seeds naturally contain cyanide. Citrus fruits such as oranges are good too, but leave off the rinds; they contain many oils and could be too strong for a dog’s digestive system.


Fresh, crunchy vegetables are good for your dog’s teeth, says Lauten. Plus, it’s a bit easier not to overfeed with veggies. “If you’re giving your dog vegetables, you can give a lot more in volume,” because these are low-calorie foods.


Because this veggie fills dogs up, weight-management programs often include green beans, usually canned with no salt added, says Lauten. “An entire can of green beans contains 70 calories. What a bargain, and filling too!”


You can feed you dog all of the following vegetables: squash, turnip, pumpkin, potatoes, celery, zucchini, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, asparagus, carrot, red and green peppers, green beans, peas, and broccoli. There are many awesome dog food recipes that will tell you how to make yummy meals that contain some of these vegetables!


You can serve this plain or with a little bit of oil. I would stay away from adding any garlic as some dogs can be very intolerant to it! It is not as dangerous as onion but close enough.


Rice is great food for dogs, especially if they are not feeling well. Just like humans, sometimes doggy tummies can be well-off eating soft rice and mushed chicken on those odd days.


Yes, dogs can most definitely eat turkey, as a general rule. Many premium dog food blends are made with turkey. What IS NOT good for dogs are turkey skin, bones or turkey fat. Also, make sure that no onions have come in contact with the turkey since onions ARE toxic to dogs.


Cooked lamb is a great meal for your dog when fed in the appropriate portions! Make sure this is lamb without bones because cooked bones are soft and have the tendency to splinter. You must keep cooked bones away to keep your dog safe.


As with any raw meaty bones, be sure to offer them raw and frozen. Cooked bones have the tendency to splinter, and freezing helps kill off some of the germs we people tend to be so concerned about.

Be sure also that you get a good solid bone and not a thin one because raw or cooked they can splinter. I usually get good beef bones for my Bichon Frise and Cockapoo and then steam them. I stay away from the smoked bones as smoked meats aren’t even good for humans. It’s the marrow in bones that are excellent for your pets, and also chewing on the bones helps keep their teeth healthy.


Dogs can eat Duck but you should not feed your dog duck bones as, like Chicken bones, they are quite small and splinter easily. This means your dog could choke on them and cut their mouth and throat on the splinters.18. Venison: Dog’s can eat raw venison. It is very good for them, but go slow on how fast you feed it to them. They can get upset stomachs. But feeding raw is the best. They have vitamins that provide for great coats, and energy! Our vet says it is very healthy. Start feeding to slowly and gradually increase the amount over time. This is to prevent indegestion possibilities and should be done with ALL dog meals whether it is dry or wet food.


This includes salmon, cod and haddock.


Dogs love frozen raw chicken necks and raw or cooked chicken hearts of liver!


Eggs are a good source of omega 3′s and can help coat shine.

Eggs are a source of biotin, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, and Vitamin B12, among other things.

The one thing you want to be really carefully with is feeding a lot of egg whites, as they contain a substance that can hinder absorption of biotin in the body. It’s nothing to worry about if you give the egg whole (with the yolk) or cooked, though.

Eggs can be fed raw or cooked. Even though eggs can contain salmonella, RESEARCH SAYS it’s nothing to worry about. Your dog’s digestive system won’t have issues with it. Just make sure you handle any raw foods carefully, same as you would when preparing meals for yourself. (Wash hands and clean surfaces after.)

If you give eggs, it’s best to give them whole, including the shell if your dog will eat it. Egg shells are a good source of calcium. You can put the whole thing in a blender if your dog won’t chew the shells by herself.

Of course every dog is different and you and your vet know best if he or she has any food sensitivities, weight issues or other health concerns that should guide your dog’s diet. It is always a good idea to check with your pet’s doctor if you are planning on changing what your dog eats. Also keep in mind that it is best to introduce new foods to your dog slowly. You don’t want your pooch to get gas, bloating, soft stools or other digestive problems.

Anytime you’re feeding table scraps to your dog, make sure it is in conjunction with his regular diet and make sure it isn’t in excess. Dogs can suffer from a condition called pancreatitis when given too much fatty food.

Pancreatitis is serious and is often fatal if not diagnosed quickly, and there are often very subtle signs, so it is important to avoid too much fat in the diet.
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