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Caring for your dog

As a dog owner, you will be aware of the responsibilities that come with dog owning and caring for your dog. However, you will also benefit from the incredibly rewarding and pleasurable experience dog ownership brings.

In time, with the correct dog training and care, your puppy or dog will hopefully become a well-adjusted adult who is a pleasure to own and a credit to you and the dog society at large.

This section is dedicated to dog owners and includes information on dog registration, dog feeding and dog training for when you first bring your puppy or dog home. Also included are important considerations such as health and safety issues, pet insurance, laws which may affect you and your dog and what to do if you are unable to look after your dog anymore. Click on the links above right to read more.

Keeping your dog safe
  • Ensure your garden is escape proof – most larger dogs can jump or scale fences under two metres high.
  • Always keep your dog on a short (not an extending) lead near roads and livestock.
  • Lock away all medicines, cleaning products and dangerous chemicals.
  • Keep all chocolate, cocoa powder, raisins, grapes and macadamia nuts shut away, as these are poisonous to dogs.
  • Do not use cocoa shell mulch in your garden as this can cause illness and death.
  • Do not use rat poison, slug pellets, weedkillers, fertilizers (especially bonemeal) or insecticides that are dangerous to dogs.
  • Use a car harness, crate or fitted case when travelling in the car.
  • Do not let your dog hang its head out of an open car window.
  • Never leave your dog in a warm or hot car (even with the windows open) as it could suffer very quickly from heatstroke.
  • Always take care to make sure your dog cannot run out of an open front door or escape through an open window.
  • Never leave your dog alone tied up outside a shop in case it gets stolen.
  • Keep your dog inside on fireworks night, and keep it on a lead when outside.
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