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Natural Remedies to Relieve Dog Constipation

Like humans, our dog companions can and do, get constipated at times. Constipation in dogs can have a number of causes. It can also be treated by several different natural remedies. Please note that I am not a veterinarian and it is always best to check with your pet's veterinarian before using any type of natural remedy on your canine to ensure it's appropriateness and safety.

You can tell if your dog is constipated if he or she exhibits any of these symptoms: your dog produces small, hard, and/or dry fecal matter, experiences abdominal pain, strains when having a bowel movement with no results, experiences a loss of appetite, and there are long time stretches between bowel movements. More specifically, if your furry friend has not defecated in two days, he or she is most likely constipated, according to Organic Pet Digest.

According to Dog Pro, constipation in canines is typically caused by something your pet is or is not eating. However, constipation can have several other causes as well. It may also be caused by a lack of fiber in your pet's diet, not getting enough exercise, not having enough fresh water to drink, ingesting foreign objects, which cannot pass through the intestines, an underlying medical condition, and worm infestation in your pet's body.

There are several natural remedies for canine constipation you may try at home. However, please check with your vet before you give your dog any type of natural remedy to ensure its safety and appropriateness for your dog's situation. Furthermore, if you do not see improvement when using these natural remedies for dog constipation, please take your dog to a veterinarian who can check for ingested foreign objects, worms, and underlying medical conditions.

Diet: Diet is one factor that can contribute to constipation in canines. Feed your dog a high quality food and ensure that he or she is getting enough fiber. Ask your veterinarian how much fiber your dog should be getting in his or her diet. The Dog Health Guide suggests avoiding feeding your furry friend human table scraps and limiting treats and snacks. A good diet will help you prevent and treat constipation in your dog.

Mineral Oil: Mineral oil will soften your dog's stools, which will make them easier for him or her to pass, according to The Dog Health Guide. Give your canine two teaspoons of mineral oil twice a day to help relieve constipation. This may be tricky, though. You can try to use a syringe to squirt the mineral oil into your pet's mouth. If this doesn't work, try to put the mineral oil on wet food your dog really enjoys to get him or her to eat it.

Pumpkin: Pumpkin contains a lot of fiber and may help relieve canine constipation. According to the Dog Constipation Guide, it is not difficult to get dogs to eat pumpkin because it appeals to their sense of smell. If you plan to feed your dog canned pumpkin for his digestive issues, please ensure you get the plain canned pumpkin rather than the canned pumpkin pie pumpkin as it contains additional spices.

Water: Dehydration can also lead to constipation in dogs. Thus, it is important to provide your dog with plenty of fresh water at all times. In addition, you may want to feed your dog a high quality canned dog food, which also contains moisture. Re-hydrating your pet may help relieve his or her digestive difficulties.

Ginger: Ginger is well-known for its ability to help relieve digestive problems in humans. Likewise, ginger can help resolve canine constipation. Ginger can help relieve inflammation in your pet's bowels as well as reduce muscle spasms, both of which worsen constipation in dogs. However, your pet may not enjoy the taste of ginger, so try to sprinkle powdered ginger on some high quality canned dog food to get him or her to eat it.

Exercise: According to The Dog Health Guide, regular exercise for your dog can help his or her bowels function more effectively. Provide your dog with plenty of opportunities to exercise. Take him or her on walks regularly. Play fetch with him or her in the yard. Take your pet to a dog park and allow him or her to run around. If you have a safe, fenced in yard, let your dog go outside to play.

Bran: While a high quality dog food should supply your pet with enough fiber, if your dog needs more fiber in his or her diet, you may add a little bran to your pet's food. You can put two teaspoons of bran cereal into his or her food each day to help relieve canine constipation. Additionally, if your pet gets constipated frequently, you may add bran to his or her food on a regular basis, according to the Dog Health Guide.

Our dogs can get constipated occasionally. You may want to try these natural remedies for dog constipation to see if they relieve your pet's digestive difficulties. Please remember, if these natural remedies for canine constipation do not work to take your pet to a veterinarian to be examined. In addition, if your dog has prolonged or frequent constipation, a trip to your vet may also be in order.
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